Untap your life potential and become who God created you to be.
Sign up for this free video series and you’ll learn the five most common obstacles to spiritual and emotional growth which will help you to:
1. Break free from the beliefs, patterns, and habits that limit you
2. Expand your capacity to make the most of life
3. Uncover the hidden obstacles that stand between you and your potential
RISE: 30 Days to Freedom
Personal Accompaniment to help you uncover and overcome the hidden barriers that prevent you from becoming the man or woman God made you to be.
Don’t Settle.
Most people know they’re made for better, but aren’t sure how to get there or they doubt they’re even capable of getting there.
So they settle. They keep hoping the relationship will get better, the unsettled feeling will go away, the past will lose its hold, the ruminations will stop, or magically the ability to say, “no” will emerge.
They reach a plateau in their relationships, their personal growth, and their own sense of passion and purpose for life. And they go to bed wondering, is this the best it’s ever going to get?
They start to doubt if they’re really capable of rising to the occasion of life and their hope that things can get better hangs by a thread. Worst of all, they know they’re not living up to their full potential, and that it’s costing them and those they love something significant.

You are here because you are unhappy with the way things are and you know you can become and experience something better.
You’ve come to the right place if…
…You’re at the end of your rope and you’re beating yourself up because you can’t seem to positively influence the direction of your life.
…You’ve tried everything you can think of and still, you can’t break free from the patterns or mindset that holds you back.
…You’re frustrated because you don’t want your life to be like this but there seems to be something hidden standing in your way.
…You want to find someone, somewhere, who has the training and the track record to help you make the most of your one precious life.
I started the Catholic Mentor with one simple goal:
To reveal and remove hidden or seemingly immovable obstacles preventing Catholic men or women from experiencing a full, meaningful, exceptional life
Because I know firsthand how painful it feels to live below your potential. Before I started helping people rise to the occasion of their life, I was stuck.
It was February of 2021 and my wife didn’t have to say the words out loud for me to know what she was thinking:
I thought you were better than this.
For the next few week's, I walked around as if I was in a daze. I didn’t want to look myself in the mirror, I didn’t want to pray, and I did everything I could to distract myself from the pain of realizing I was far less than the man I knew I could be.
I don’t remember the day or the hour. But I do remember waking up one day and making a vow to myself and to God:
I don’t care what it is going to take. I’m done doing this my way. I’m ready to do it your way God. Never again do I want to experience the pain of knowing I’m more than who I’ve become.
I knew I needed to get outside help.
It was then that I made one of the most important shifts of my life: I decided to focus more on my inner growth than external outcomes.
As the great Fred Rogers said, “Who you are on the inside helps you make and do everything in life.” The only problem was, I didn’t know who I could turn to for help.
- I tried executive coaching and that helped me develop some coping mechanisms but it didn’t get to the core of the problem and it wasn’t integrated with my Catholic faith.
- I tried spiritual direction, but it was almost impossible to find one that I clicked with. And when I finally did, it wasn’t enough. My spiritual life was heavily influenced by my thoughts and feelings, neither of which he could help with.
- I went looking for the seemingly impossible: an integrated, Catholic, psycho-spiritual coach dedicated to elevating every area of my life.
- In July of 2022, I discovered the CatholicPsych Institute and what they call Mentorship. I signed up and got to work.
Since that day, every area and every relationship in my life has been elevated in profound ways. I’m a better husband, a better father, a better son, a better Catholic, better leader and none of that would have happened if I had stayed on the same path.
Who I was on the inside needed to change. And I couldn’t have done it without my mentor.
My mission is to help you have the breakthrough you long for so that you can finally be free to become the man or woman God made you to be.
I am living, walking proof that integrating and applying the best of Catholic spirituality and psychology can help you realize your deepest potential unlike anything else.
I share all this with you because I know, if it can happen for me, it can happen for you too.
The simple truth is: the only way to transform your experience of life is to transform yourself from the inside out. Mentorship is designed to help you do just that.
The Catholic Mentor exists to help you uncover and overcome the obstacles that limit you in every area of life.
After years of training and mentoring people just like you, I know how to collaborate with the Holy Spirit to bring about the transformation you long for.
Many believe that transforming your life comes down to coping strategies and perspective shifts. But those are mere Band-Aids. Elevating your life requires more than merely shifting your perspective, it necessitates confronting the often-difficult reality of why you do what you do and what it will truly costs you to make a change. That’s why the Mentorship process includes a deep dive into your heart, mind, soul, and history.
The framework is simple:
Establish A Standard
It’s almost impossible to make progress spiritually or relationally without a clear sense of where you want to be on the other side of Mentorship. A strong sense of why you want to take on the difficult work of inner growth and a compelling vision of who you are trying to become will open the door to the true you.
Bring what is hidden into the light
To live freely, it’s essential to know what stops you from saying, “Yes” to what is good for you and “no” to what isn’t. Through a deep dive into your school of love and an assessment of the meaning you bring to the events of your life, you can finally learn what stands between you and the life you were made to live.
Strengthen your inner life
When we experience inner dissatisfaction, we tend to think it’s a sign that something external needs to change. But it isn’t. It’s often an invitation for you to become stronger. Free from the restraints of hidden obstacles, you will be ready to collaborate with God on a whole other level.
If this was easy, everyone would do it. But it isn’t easy. And only a few courageous souls will take it on. But if you are among the few, I will guide you along an ancient but proven path to deep freedom and lasting impact.
Discover the 30 Day RISE experience designed for you
RISE is a unique and personally designed three-part process:
Explore: Join Jack for a 60-minute call to dive deep into who you are, how you got here, the challenges you’re facing, and what success might look like.
Dialogue: Based on the initial call, Jack will put together a plan specifically designed to uncover the hidden obstacles between you and who God made you to be. This includes content from Jack to reflect on and process through together.
Action: What good is knowing where you want to go and what stands in your way if you don’t do anything with it all? The answer is obvious: nothing. Discover how to implement the essential habits of the spiritual masters capable of elevating every area of your life.
For those seeking to improve the quality an important relationship by increasing the capacity to give and receive love.
For those seeking to say “Yes” to what is good and “No” to the thing they know isn’t good for them.
For those seeking to finally move beyond past pain or trial to experience healing, forgiveness, and meaning.
For those seeking to discover God’s will for your life.
For those seeking to nobly endure and make the most of a season of suffering.